LEE Kian Seng 李健省 Asia Contemporary Art

李健省 LEE Kian Seng(1976年图片)




在马来西亚艺术领域里,鲜为人知的扑朔迷离开始浮现。必要让年轻的有线索看清当今, 思考行动。看清楚一个政策,企业及 黑手,里应外合对艺术家的态度与当前的腐败

Little known facts that have been shrouded in mystery will someday come to light on the Malaysian art scene. The younger generation needs to get a hold of clues which would act as fodder for thought to chart their next move. They need to look clearly at policies and enterprises, and detect any evil manipulator who might be at work behind the scene. They need to understand the prevailing attitude towards artists from within and without the art scene. They need to be aware of the contemporary culture of the society in which they live. 

前事不忘后事之师  Let the Lessons from the Past be our Guide for the Future

 In the High Court of Malaya at Kuala Lumpur. Civil Suit No.S4 (S1)-22-504-2000   
Full trial on 16th July 2008  http://www.leekianseng.com/lee_BioVsKlccTrial20080716.pdf

Story  : The developer of the PETRONAS (National Petrolem Malaysia) Twin Towers ‘Kuala Lumpur City Centre Berhad ( KLCC, Malaysia )’ had invited LEE Kian Seng to design a sculpture for its tower precincts in August, 1994.  Within a month, Lee submitted a proposal comprising the art concept, a metal model and a preliminary sketch of the proposed sculpture. However, KLCC never got back to Lee in response to his submission. He had been left completely in the dark as to whether his proposal was accepted or not. In spite of his repeated efforts at inquiry, the developer was never heard from again as if the company had ceased to exist, that is, until four years later. Only in June 1998 was he officially informed that his proposal had been turned down, but then his metal model and drawing of the proposed sculpture had gone missing.He did try to settle the matter with KLCC amicably, but not successful. Thoroughly dejected, he had no alternative but to resort to legal action against KLCC vide Kuala Lumpur High Court Writ Summons No.S4 (S1)-22-504-2000

19948月,吉隆坡市中市公司 (Kuala Lumpur City Centre Berhad 简称 KLCC) ,即吉隆坡石油双塔(PETRONAS Twin Tower)发展商邀请李健省(LEE Kian Seng 设计雕塑作品。李健省同年9月呈上设计建议书包挂创作概念雕塑模型与素描。之后一直没有收到 KLCC的答覆,李健省完全不知他的创作概念是否被采用,多次询问犹如石沉大海音信全无。4年后的19986月,KLCC才正式回信不采用他的设计,而作品模型与素描也不知所踪。

为了正义追求真相,在毫无其他选择的情况下李健省遂通过 Messers Cheang & Ariff 2000918日开始在马来西亚吉隆坡高等法庭上诉KLCC,随后由 Messers Pani Normala & Co 接手处理审讯。第二被告国家石油(PETRONAS /
National Petrolem Malaysia)于2002118日获法庭批准退出此民事诉讼。

高等法庭于2008716日审讯此案,2008年11月3日法官下判李健省胜诉获得2万令吉的赔偿。对李健省而言,这2万元与十年来在法庭精疲力尽的斗争与坚持,根本不成比例,只是精神上的胜利更激励他继续努力,名利转眼皆空,更重要的是诉求企业家尊重艺术家的创作权益,唤醒社会大众对人文艺术的关怀,希望马来西亚进步。KLCC 20101214日才摊还诉讼费(Cost)




杂记 (notes) Men who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.—Santayana

  1. 这个国家 (马来西亚) 不公,当政者忙于谋权图利然后掩盖真相,不曾把公平放在心里,包括不曾给有才华的人公平的待遇,政策偏差和政治腐败,把多少有才华,甚至为国家争取荣誉的人,当成一文不值的粪土。” , “ 华人社会麻木不仁,华社领袖更不长进,商人重利,文人相轻,其他则看重物质而贬低人文。在华社领袖的脑海里。所谓马来西亚华人文化,是一张零分的考卷,一顿饱嗝后的甜品。”――节录自唤醒黎明,作者:傅承得/马来西亚星洲日报 2009/8/15, Sin Chew Daily Malaysia    …This country has been making a mockery of justice. Let’s face it. Leaders are too busy grabbing power, amassing wealth, and engineering cover-ups to be thinking about justice. Talents have been unfairly treated. Over the years, unjust policies and corruption in high places have not only sidelined many talented citizens who would have otherwise done their country proud, but treated them as if they were worthless … … Meanwhile, the Chinese community in Malaysia has become largely apathetic and insensitive with regard to these issues. Instead of moving forward, Chinese leaders seem to remain complacent about the status quo. Business people care too much about profits, and scholars scorn each other, while the rest of the community holds materialism in higher regard than humanism.  In the mind of the Chinese community leaders, the so-called “Chinese Malaysian culture” is but an absolutely scoreless paper, the dessert after the main course…"  (Awakening the Dawn by  POH Seng Titt  /  15 August 2009  /  Sin Chew Daily Malaysia  )     
  2.   專制政府可惡,但民眾的沉默與犬儒才真正可怕。沉默的大多數往往造就暴君,促成邪惡,深化偏見與歧視。問問自己,面對不公與不義,曾經做過甚麼?歐陽文風20100105
  3. "承先启后和继往开来。明天的悲哀,源自今日的懈怠。要亡一个国家或民族,先亡其历史和文化;要利用一个人,先使他忘记过去、个性和身份。历史文化是一个大生命,只能继续成长,不能切断.文化遗产唤醒历史感情,只有唤醒下一代的历史感情,才有希望接得上更悠久的历史文化,留住源头活水"--录语。 “Carrying forward the tradition of the past, we forge ahead into the future. The sorrow of tomorrow stems from the slackness of today. For a nation or a people to be annihilated, its history and culture must first be wiped out. Before you use someone, first you have to make him forget the past; that includes his personal character and identity. Historical culture is a gigantic living thing that can only grow. It can never be broken. Cultural heritage awakens historical sentiments. Only as these historical sentiments of the next generation are aroused can there be any hope of joining the stream of long-running historical culture; and the source of that living water can then be preserved.”  (Quote).
  4. "..夠了,馬哈迪 ( 1981--2003) ,人民已經被愚弄幾十年了。老是說英國人分而治之,您老才是高手。馬哈迪的22 (  向东"日本"学习"时代 The  Look East policy 1981-2003),把大馬社會搞成族群對立,猜忌;而他利用這種矛盾,優遊其中,享受專政的便利..."------馬來西亞星洲日報2009-07-21/馬哈迪是分化高手/作者:鄭丁賢"....( Malaysia) Mahathir ( 1981--2003),  enough is enough. The people have been under your delusion for decades. We always say that the British were good at" divide and rule" but I think you, Sir, are the real master. The 22 years ( The  Look East policy 1981-2003)under Mahathir have resulted in a partitioned and untrusting Malaysian community. All the while, Mahathir was exploiting this antagonism, and reaping the benefits of autocracy..." --( excerpted for Sin Chew Daily Malaysia 22 July 2009 <Dear Mahathir, Enough is Enough>written by  Tay Tian Yan .)
  5. (馬來人主權論 )  “.......始作俑者是馬哈迪時代,一個叫阿都拉阿末的政客胡扯出來的歪論。1986 年,這名巫統吉蘭丹國拉那前議員,也是敦拉薩時代的舊臣,在新加坡發表了馬來人主權(Ketuanan Melayu)的演講。很快的,巫統採用了這套論述,從原本的  “捍衛馬來人地位擴張成為“  馬來人主權地位"。馬哈迪利用  “主權論狹隘偏激排他的思維,來強化巫統政權的合理性,建立他個人唯我獨尊的地位。然而,這種危險的主張,卻分化了不同族群的人民,破壞了國家的和諧。80年代以來,族群之間趨於冷漠、隔閡,各種矛盾湧現,政策偏差層出不窮,這和阿都拉阿末的歪論,以及馬哈迪的心計,脫離不了關係。....... ”---作者:鄭丁賢破產的主權論述 /星洲日報/夜雨晨風/2008.04.29
  6. ­ (马来西亚阿都拉在位四年期間,雖然致力打擊貪污,不過馬國的貪污情況一直未有改善;馬國司法制度則在前任首相馬哈迪在位二十二年期間 (1981-2003) 受到嚴重的破壞,甚至連外國投資者對馬國司法都缺乏信心,阿都拉通過法官的委任成功改善司法形象,不過還是無法令人滿意,以致負責司法改革的首相署部長再益也因推動改革遭遇黨內的強大阻力而被迫辭職。”-- 亚洲周刊  1 November 2009
  7. 马哈迪政策人民受苦―― “曾经在马哈迪时代担任雪州大臣的莫哈末泰益接受《星洲日报》访问时表示,马哈迪担任首相时,很多计划或工程等重大政策,都是在没有与议员或相关单位公开讨论的情况下"仓促"推行。他坦言,有太多例子可以证明,以前马哈迪政府所实施的政策,都让人民承受痛苦。莫哈末泰益从1993年至2004年担任巫统副主席,他在2004年巫统改选时蝉联失败,较后被委任为巫统宣传主任。”--转戴自马来西亚星洲日报   2006/06/08
  8. 70年代 (Malaysia) 开始的新经济政策,强调资源分配,不鼓励竞争,扶助弱者的同时,也压抑了强者的发展潜能。如此的政策,在70年代和80年代的环境,还有发挥的空间,也有正面的作用,但是 ,90年代之后,就一再暴露它的短处和弊病。再2000年之后的开放和竞争年代,如果还紧抱着保护和分配的政策,则大马(Malaysia)前景将是一片灰暗。(郑丁贤 自我改造,迎向新变局,星洲日报,2002/01/01
  9. 按何国忠的解释,在70至80年代,政府惟恐华人文化影响到马来文化的地位,此消彼长,而采取制衡的方式。(李惠群大马华人发展不间断,星洲日报,2003/07/15
  10. “历史意识是教育重要一环,历史使你明了事件的来龙去脉,协助掌握未来的方向,尤其是离现在不是很久的亚洲历史,还有马来西亚被(日本)蝗军侵占是民不聊生的残酷事实,因为历史会以不相同形式重演,[前事不忘,后事之师]是致理名言。“…免得时下的青少年好象[煮青蛙]似的,被 (日本的) 这些不良文化逐渐逐渐侵蚀。”--   摘自China Press Malaysia 中国报   / 1998年5月10日 杨舒彦报导  
  11. "Malaysia, now made up of the Federated States of Malaya and the territories of Sabah and Sarawak, once part of Borneo , appeared at one time to want to take up the issue. In early 1992, Japanese documents indicated that there had been comfort stations there, despite official denials. During the Occupation, the Japanese had favoured the Malay majority on their principle of ‘every man to his proper place’. This gave the appearance of promoting Malay nationalism, and discriminated heavily against the Chinese. But the Japanese did not racially discriminate when it came to pulling people off the streets for work on the Death Railway, other labour projects and, presumably, in comfort stations."-----------Excerpted from the New Secondary Histories Book ( from page 216 to229) – Singapore, Malaysia Brunei 1400-1970 by N. Rajendra and G. Saunders. Longman Singapore Publishers (Pte) Limited First published in 1975)

  12. “…50年左右就能像台湾那样,培养出一小撮忠诚的支持者,马来亚历史太短,民族太多,社会可塑性太强,难以抗拒他们(日本人)--李光耀回忆录p.97 "....... Had the Japanese stayed on in Singapore  and Malaya, they  would , within 50 years, have forged a coterie of loyal supporters as they had successfully done in Taiwan. Malaya was too young, its people too diverse and its society too plastic and malleable to resist...." ( Excerpted from The  Singapore Story  ( p.78) by Minister Mentor of Singapore .Lee Kuan Yew  )
  13. 再過20年,馬來西亞的每個選區都會是以馬來人為主的,當地領導人對華人越來越不重視。這麼一來,當地華人的人數將逐漸減少,這不只是因為華人的生育率同樣在減少,也因為許多能負擔得起的華人,都把孩子送到國外深造,並決定不再回返馬來西亞。"“們至少能通過外來移民來填補逐漸減少的人口,移民到馬來西亞的人都來自回教國家,它也就越來越傾向回教化。”--节录自新加坡內閣資政李光耀。20091019日晚上在新加坡國立大學政治協會舉辦的肯特崗部長論壇。馬來西亞星洲日報/國際2009.10.20    Minister Mentor of Singapore Lee Kuan Yew @ National University of Singapore on 19th October 2009) said all constituencies in Malaysia would be dominated by the Malays in 20 years’ time, and the leadership in this country (Malaysia) would value the Chinese less and less. The Chinese population would continue to slide, he added, not because of the pathetically low fertility rates among the Chinese in this country, but because those who could afford would have sent their children overseas, who would decide not to come back." And those migrating to Malaysia will be from Islamic states, making the country’s Islamisation inclination more and more pronounced.”  Statistics don’t lie, and the current political and social ecosystems are not here without a reason. MM Lee’s predictions are by no means novel. His well-thought remarks have touched the hearts of many Malaysian. --Excerpted from Sin Chew Daily Malaysia 20 October 2009.".....Our neighbours both have problems with their Chinese. They are successful. They are hardworking and , therefore, they are systematically marginalised".-- Minister Mentor of Singapore .Lee Kuan Yew. (Excerpted from the New Straits Times Malaysia September 22, 2006.)
  14. 当年中国人开始提出大中华圈之际,日本人即在东南亚各国秘密活动(包挂政治上与包装的文化交流 )并推销中国威胁论,建议东南亚的非华人政权必须和日本人联合起来,才能对抗中国的威胁。”---马来西亚星洲日报Sin Chew Daily Malaysia / Sin Chew Forum 2007.02.18)  “Just as China was introducing the Greater China Circle, the Japanese were secretly working among the Southeast Asian nations through the public arena and the façade of cultural exchange. Their agenda was to play up the China Threat theory. They have been canvassing the support of the non-Chinese political powers of Southeast Asia to unite with the Japanese. It is allegedly the only means by which China’s threat could be countered.”  (Sin Chew Daily Malaysia /Sin Chew Forum 18 February 2007) 尤其自1982年马哈迪的向东学习开始,日本在东南亚一直都沒有放棄圍堵中國人/中华文化的念頭,同时千方百计利用本地二流作家鉗制李健省的创作。

  15. 日本也指示当地的华裔日本走狗(像汪精卫一类的傀儡 )配合恶霸,钳制那些不与日本妥协的,同时进行操弄当地的艺术史。变态的<萧清>行动还在各国秘密延续着日本将会以另一种形态在东南亚重演历史。”— 录语。“Japan has also instructed the local Chinese lackeys running for the Japanese to team up with the hooligans. They are to suppress those who refuse to compromise with Japan. At the same time, they seek to manipulate the local art historiography. The perverted Operation Mop-Up is still going on secretly in many of these countries. Japan will yet replay history in Southeast Asia in a different form.” (Quote )
  16. 二戰結束初期,馬來亞有些地方發生零星的種族沖突事件──也即是排華事件,主要的原因不是源于馬來人對華人戒心與所得的表現,而是由于日本的統治者與其走狗的挑撥。 --- 陳雪風 (我的另一些思考──關於國家文學與馬華文學) 马来西亚星洲日報/星洲廣場 02102005“In the early days of the aftermath of World War Two, racial conflicts broke out sporadically in several places in Malaya. These were also known as Anti-Chinese incidents. The major cause of these unrests did not stem so much from the wariness of the Malays against the Chinese and their achievements as from the incitement of the Japanese rulers and their lackeys.” ( Chen Xue Fen(陳雪風)-“Some Thoughts on National Literature and Malaysian Chinese Literature,” Sin Chew Daily Malaysia/Sin Chew Forum 2 October 2005)
  17. 日寇一再煽动马来同胞的反华情绪,为战后种下华巫(马来)冲突的祸根。战后全马多个地方爆发种族大械斗,死伤惨重,都是日寇播下的祸!”--- 李永球马来人为何不支持共产党?马来西亚星洲日报/星洲广场·田野行脚. 20112005 “The Japanese invaders repeatedly incited anti-Chinese sentiments amongst the Malays. Thus the root of post-war racial conflicts between the Chinese and the Malays was planted. The outbreak of numerous bloody racial unrests across Malaysia after the war was directly attributed to the discord sown by the Japanese.” (李永球, “Why did the Malays reject Communism?” Sin Chew Daily Malaysia/Sin Chew Forum 20 November 2005) 
  18. 最可惡的是,莫過於一些右翼份子披著學者外衣,無聲無息地拜會我國 (Malaysia) 高官或馬來學者(根本不敢見受害者),然後斷章取義地利用他們的言詞作 “擋箭牌,大言不慚地對日本人說︰馬哈迪說日本不必道歉!---作者:倉洋(日本和平團陷阱)马来西亚星洲日報/言路/2007.02/27 “There is nothing more disgusting than a bunch of ring-wing activists in scholarly garb stealthily paying official visits to some top leader of Malaysia or Malay scholar. Without even the courage to see the victims personally, they would then quote the leader’s statement out of context as a “shield” against their critics. They bragged unblushingly to the Japanese: “Mahathir said Japan need not apologize!” (Chang Yang, “The Snare of Japan’s Peace Corps,” Sin Chew Daily Malaysia27 February 2007)
  19. "… 几年前,一名日本前驻华大使甚至曾公开提出要求中国删除抗日纪念馆抗日2字,认为它有碍中日年轻一代之正常交流。其思路和心态,同上世纪70年代一部份旅居新加坡的日本人,是相似的,当时一部份日本人和日本媒体冀图通过日本的影响力,将耸立於新加坡市中心的日本占领时期死难人民纪念碑(1942──1945迁移至郊外。但在新加坡民众与舆论界强有力的批判与牵制下,这些妙想天开、冀图策动搬迁纪念碑者只好知难而退,鸣鼓收兵。因为居安思危与以史为鉴,是新加坡官民对纪念碑和历史博物馆的基本共识。它与某些日本人将纪念碑描绘为记恨反日血债之塔,是风马牛不相及的。"---文:卓南生/星洲日报/國際/2004/08/15
      “A few years ago, a former Japanese ambassador to China had the audacity to publicly request the Chinese government to remove two Chinese words referring to anti-Japanese resistance fighters from the war memorial halls across the country. The reason given was that those words would harm the spirit of goodwill in Sino-Japanese relations among the younger generation. This train of thought and mentality is similar to that exhibited by certain Japanese expatriates in Singapore in the 1970’s. Among them were Japanese media personnel. With the help of diplomatic leverage, they tried to shift the Civilian War Memorial standing at the War Memorial Park from the city centre to the outskirts of the city. However, their bid only drew severe criticism and strong resistance from the public as well as the media. Eventually, seeing that their effort was an exercise in futility, the wishful engineers of the “monument shift” had to give it up. The Singapore government and people have dedicated this monument to all civilians who were victims of the Japanese occupation in 1942-45.  In regard to monuments and museums of history, the Singaporean common understanding is to be vigilant in times of peace and to learn from history. This position runs totally counter to certain Japanese portrayal of monuments as ‘grudges and resentments’ or ‘anti-Japanese debts of blood.’” (卓南生, Sin Chew Daily Malaysia /International 15 August 2004)
  20. .… 从过去几十年的努力,日本一面向受害国人民表示深切忏悔(非道歉),一面则进行有计划的文化渗透与经济笼络政策,以建其据点。日本人的长远计划很少人知晓,他们一面美化侵略的行为,一面收买--- 作者刘半商/日本的爱国教育/ 马来西亚星洲日报/言路·2003/11/10
    “From decades of hard work in the past, Japan on one hand appears to be deeply penitent (yet non-apologetic) to the people of the victim nations, while on the other hand carrying out a systematic cultural infiltration and a “rope-in” economic policy. Its agenda is clearly to build a “stronghold” in these countries. Few people ever know about the long term goals of the Japanese. On one hand, they are whitewashing their war crime. On the other, they are buying over [ the loyalty of those nations]…” (
    刘半商, “The Patriotic Education of Japan,” Sin Chew Daily Malaysia10 November 2003)
  21. 他们所伪装的和谐有礼表面,企图掩饰丑恶的阴谋。有时不经过理性的辩论这一中间的办法,便进行怨恨和斗架的强烈破坏--- 日本文化中的性角色Behind The Mask,Page 231
    “They attempt to conceal their malicious plot behind a superficial pretense of harmony and politeness. Without going through the balanced approach of rational debate, they would occasionally engage in severe sabotage steeped in hatred and violence…” ( Ian Buruma, Behind the Mask: On Sexual Demons, Sacred Mothers, Transvestites, Gangsters, Drifters, and Other Japanese Cultural Heroes. New York: Pantheon, 1984, page 231)
  22. 新加坡万长公司总裁何昆平(译音)说,日本企业界即可以把东南亚的各个公司 视为不断进步的伙伴,也可以作未来必须打压的对手­日本公司在东南亚的同业落 后它们很远的时候,给东南亚的公司合伙性的援助还不太困难­一旦这个地区的公司和日本同业的差距缩短之后,日本的善意就会受到真正的考验---张茂拍 / (日本的新亚洲共荣圈) /国际先驱论坛报。Mr. Ho Kwon Ping, executive chairman of Banyan Tree Holdings Limited and Wah-Chang Group in Singapore, was quoted as saying that ‘Japanese entrepreneurs may regard Southeast Asian companies as their ever progressive business partners; but they may also see them as future opponents to be struck down.’ When their Southeast Asian counterparts fall far behind them, Japanese companies could easily lend them a helping hand. But when the gap between them narrows as Southeast Asia catches up with Japan, the latter’s gesture of goodwill will then be put to the test.” (张茂拍, “Japan’s New Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere,” International Vanguard Forum news)
  23. 也有xx学会是xx在此区域监视各国文化活动扩张政治影响力的战略工具之一,偏差霸道。以和平为口号,假借宗教,温和侵透华社,以该会的美学口号去模糊二战时xx的丑恶。这些外来的历史的健忘者与霸权已有默契,图谋侵吞摆布。顾用本地的二流作家/公务员作学问去排挤异意分子。滥用艺术提升人文和平文化交流等等操弄宣传。他门涵长温水煮青蛙策略,进行篡改他国艺术史的关键地带,以达至分而治之的所谓和谐
  24. 3rd June 1996基于人权课题,李健省(LEE Kian Seng)和李正子(Shoko LEE)以信件向马来西日本大使館(Embassy of Japan in Malaysia)投诉吉隆坡日本大使館内的官员不合法行事。(注:至目前还没有回应)。In a letter dated 3rd June 1996, Lee Kian Seng wrote to the Embassy of Japan in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia to file a complaint against its Japanese officer for her unlawful conduct which had infringed on human rights.
  25. 14 July 2003基于人权课题,李健省(LEE KIan Seng)和李正子(Shoko LEE)以信件向马来西亚外交部( Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Malaysia)投诉吉隆坡日本大使館内的官员不合法行事。(注:至目前还没有答复)。In another letter dated 14 July 2003 addressed to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs  Malaysia, Lee again filed a complaint against the officer in the Embassy of Japan in Kuala Lumpur for infringement of human rights, with report of Shoko Lee’s dated 8th June 1996 attached.
  26. 2000221日有人通过留日生恐吓李健省。(2000223日马来西亚星洲日报)
    Malaysia, Klang RPT 5524/2000/   S/D 5491/2000. Date:22 February 2000

If the Doomsday prediction never comes true, New Zealand will remain as picturesque after a hundred years, with cows and goats roaming all over the country sparsely populated by humans.

A hundred years later, Singapore’s foundation will remain rock solid. The tiny city-state will continue to lure new immigrants, and many new-generation Singaporeans will see their lineages traced back to those of migrants.

How about Malaysia a hundred years from now?

Lee Kuan Yew did not seem to see things that far. He only set his sight 20 years later.

He said all constituencies in Malaysia would be dominated by the Malays in 20 years’ time, and the leadership in this country would value the Chinese less and less.

The Chinese population would continue to slide, he added, not because of the pathetically low fertility rates among the Chinese in this country, but because those who could afford would have sent their children overseas, who would decide not to come back.

“And those migrating to Malaysia will be from Islamic states, making the country’s Islamisation inclination more and more pronounced.”

Statistics don’t lie, and the current political and social ecosystems are not here without a reason.

MM Lee’s predictions are by no means novel. But his well-thought remarks have touched the hearts of many a Malaysian.

If this is what the country should look like 20 years from now, we can imagine Chinese Malaysians to be like apes in a forest sanctuary a hundred years down the road, where we need to sharpen our eyesight to carefully scan through the entire swathe of forest before we can catch a glimpse of one or two of them.

That comparison is, most certainly, exaggerated, but I really hope we will not be reduced to a rare species by then.

The ratio of Chinese population in this country has been on steady decline over the decades; so has their political status here. Very soon, they will be completely engulfed by the powerful waves of aggressive Islamisation.

This is the pessimistic side of the outlook of their destiny.

But Chinese Malaysians cannot afford to go on this way, and wait helplessly for such a destiny to befall them.

They have to take the initiative to accentuate their own strengths and be in firm control of their own fates before they can divert such predestination.

The next ten years will be key to the future destiny of Chinese Malaysians. If the country’s policies get more and more ethnically-oriented and religiously inclined, the future of Chinese community is well within our imagination, and Chinese Malaysians will exit the country in droves.

On the other hand, if community-centric ideologies get diluted, conflicts between mainstream and minority races get thinned down, the common Malaysian identity gets consolidated, and the spirit of secularity stays very much relevant, then Chinese Malaysians will have a much more promising future here.

So will Malaysia.

Whatever happens to this country or our society, the most important element for new-generation Chinese to secure a place in this land, will be their very own competitiveness.

In this age of globalisation, when national boundaries are increasingly obscured, people will find a greener pasture beyond our shores if our internal conditions remain this bleak.

We cannot afford to talk about what will happen to us a hundred years from now. We need to buck up and fight for our near-term opportunities.

Meaningless and unnecessary squabbles, like the one currently taking place within MCA (Malaysian Chinese Association), will only serve to bog down the pace of the Chinese community further, blurring their vision of the clear and present danger.

What the Chinese community urgently needs right now is high-calibre and farsighted leadership, not one engrossed with endless infighting. – Sin Chew Daily Malaysia. 

To Police reports;
Malaysia, Klang RPT 025502/2006. S/D 5064/2006. Date:17 July 2006
Malaysia, Klang RPT 5524/2000/   S/D 5491/2000. Date:22 February 2000
Malaysia, Klang RPT 024386/2006  S/D 3964/2006  Date: 08 July 2006
Malaysia, Klang RPT 024273/2006  S/D 3853/2006  Date: 07 July 2006